National and international projects
Experience Trust
Implemented by 8 NGOs on both sides of the Dniester River in Moldova, with the aim of increasing the trust between people on both sides. We were the leader organization.
The project was financially and technically supported by the European Union and the UNDP through the “Support to Confidence Building Measures” program.
Biking to Build Bridges
Project implemented by NGO “Pro-Trebujeni” in partnership with NGO “Common home” in Tiraspol. Implemented on July 26-27, 2014.
We built bridges over the Răut River to bring closer the inhabitants of the two banks of the Dniester River.
Creation of the Outdoor Leadership Center
In 2008 the main activity of the association was related to the creation of the Outdoor Leadership Center.
The team of instructors was created. From their own money they obtained professional training in the field of outdoor education.
International projects in partnership with NGO Outward Bound Romania
Various projects aimed at institutional development of the NGO Pro-Trebujeni through training and certification of our staff, participation in partnership projects with other civic organizations from different countries, participation in three editions of the Carpathian Adventure in Romania.
Green Run race
2013 edition
The first edition of the Green Run competition in the nature of Moldova, without streets and cars. It was very difficult for both the participants and the organizers. The high temperatures and the extremely hot summer solstice sun have tested all of us to the limit. This event was made possible thanks to the efforts of an international team of volunteers, the professionalism of the jury and the medical staff, and the surprisingly high interest of the participants, despite the obvious problem of running in mid-summer at 37 °C without shade.
2014 edition
The second edition of the Green Run competition took place in another very picturesque place of Moldova – the Poiana-Curatura landscape reservation. The place is located in the valley of the Dniester River, between the high, sometimes rocky shores. The valley itself is half filled with forest and half with meadows.
This time the event lasted two days of the weekend: the first day – run races for different ages; the next day – off-road cycling.
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